1·Overall, the service and breakfasts were good, and the rooms were of adequate standard.
2·Everyone has the right to an adequate standard of living and medical help if they are ill.
3·On a financial level, the poor and middle class need to rely more credit to attain an adequate standard of living, which ultimately makes them poorer.
4·The world's natural resources are being used up so rapidly that there would not be enough to provide an adequate standard of living for everyone within the next two centuries.
5·He said that audit and management standards in China were not yet of an adequate standard and that shares in major Chinese companies carried a discount to reflect these concerns.
6·Countries that have achieved a basic standard of living, supported by adequate health infrastructures, will be best able to adapt.
7·In contrast, the source code examples in Python Standard Library are only as long as necessary, are clear, have adequate inline documentation, and get right to the point being illustrated.
相反,Python Standard Library中的源代码示例只是在必要的时候使用、是清晰的、有充足的内部文档并切中说明要点。
8·A 52-bit password based on eight symbols selected from the standard keyboard is generally adequate.
9·Standard surface-mount technology or through-hole techniques provide adequate performance.
10·In some scenarios the standard properties may not be adequate for your requirements.